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This page updated: February, 2011

VR GIS Drone How To

There are several preliminary tasks required to operate multiple computers from one.
Some operations would be better suited to use the Remote Control to copy or move data as required. Or just do it manually...
Task 1. It is necessary to set the computer(s) network IP address as static rather than a (random) generated one. Well, not really necessary, but it allows saving the IP address and reusing them instead of having to re-enter each time, and remember what it was on the other program.
Task 2. It is suggested to Set a drive on the Commander as Shared so the data can be accessed and changed by the Drones.

There are several methods of operation.
Op 1. Operating Remote Control Drones to perform individual tasks.
Op 2. Tasking a Drone program to perform a task.
Op 3. Running a 3D Viewer and farming out the background visualization computations to the Drones.

Task 1. Set the computer(s) network IP address
{start with one autosensed and then change it to that Manually and adjust the others from that ones last number}
IPAddress192.168.0.1 and are used for a pair of null-cable networked computers. Subnet mask on both.
On [ ] TCP/IP Properties TAB SHEETS PAGE
IPAddress example for the Commander (server) computer ... 196 ... on the other computers {VR GIS uses 197 as the default Drone}
Subnet mask {Same on all}

The computer IP address is different for each computer. The Port they communicate on must be the same for them to transfer the information. The Port is different for kinds of tasks and operations... These are the default VR GIS numbers... see Internet Protocol information for the 'Standard' Port numbers and their use.
RC Port : 23
Task Port(s) : 2340..2347
View Port(s) : 3450..3457

Task 2. Set a drive on the Commander as Shared

2.1. Decide which computer is the Commander (server) and which ones are the Drones (clients). The Server..Client names may be reversed from normal use here, i dont know, that is why I named them Commander and Drones. Usually this is easily determined by the newest computer being the Commander and the others becoming Drones. It is advised that the Commander have a 3D graphics card set to 32 bit color. The Commander Computer will run VR GIS. Due to the importance of the Commander and the possibility of connection interruptions during multi-tasking, it is suggested that the Commander computer not perform critical tasks. Drone computers will do the Tasks.

2.2. For VR GIS to work (efficiently), all Drones must run .. access data from the same files on the Commander. We'll do this by mapping the Commander VR GIS drive as the same drive to all Drones, including the Commander. Start by sharing your Commander VR GIS drive.

2.3. Map the shared drive as the same drive letter on the Commander and Drones. I chose the W drive. (I use Z for the CD Rom... As drive letters are assigned from A,B,C,D,... it leaves room for auto-fill use and allows the drive letters to become 'static'.. not changing... Hard drives will normally be assigned letters per their order of linking into the network.)

Op 1. Operating Drones by Remote Control to perform individual tasks.
Start VrRcDrone on a different computer and Press the Connect button.
Start VR GIS on the Commander computer and Select RC from the Tools Menu
Set the Drone IP Address and Select Connect to Drone from Menu.
The Drone computer screen is visible ... use the mouse to Remotely Control the Drone

Op 2. Tasking Drones to perform tasks.
Start a VR GIS program on a different computer. (Actually this could be done by Remote Control.. if that is active).
If Tasks do not appear in the List, Right click the form to pop-up a menu. Select Default then select Open.. the Drone tasks should apppear in the list. Press the Connect button.
Start VR GIS on the Commander computer and Select Task from the Tools Menu.
Set Drone IP Address and Select Connect to Drone using the Button.
Once connected available tasks can be selected from Command list.
Change Priority or get updates on progress using the Command List

Op 3. Running a 3D Viewer

To Be Determined (TBD) during SOS MAP proguction.

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Copyright© 1991..2011 by Ivan Lee Herring