This page updated: February, 2011
Image Frequently Asked Questions
- Tongs™ is a image viewer/ effects-manipulation/ program. A conglomeration of numerous Delphinian graphic code sources.
- I am weary and wary of mixing manipulation with proper image processing extraction, although "anything is permitted" in exportation... i guess this is where all the "fun" stuff goes. GIMP is an acronym for GNU Image Manipulation Program (GNU: GNU's Not Unix, aka GNU/Linux ala C code). C code abounds: Computer Vision and Image Processing Laboratory, DIVA, ImageLib, stanford, JPL VICAR, links, links. The great geotiff guy:
Dr. Ritter has a link to firesign theatre. ImageMagick is Copyright (C) 2000 ImageMagick Studio, a "non-profit organization dedicated to making software imaging solutions freely available"... me, i do not think anything is free, and I WANT MY PC! and so, if anything, I oppose the idea-threat of software running on big brothers mainframe over the internet! ... i do not like the "sliding frames" that do not "save" correctly either... i do not like fish. i could not finish the geek test as none of my answers fit within their ranges. mumble mumble mumble unanswered nil 0 NA unknown out of range key violation. I try to avoid sites that do Pop up Windows and run Ad-aware on the spyware cookies some sites send... and spam is getting worse... Sending an attachment with no explanation is a sure way to get it deleted without anyone ever running whatever it was... although lately they have contained the Kleghorn virus or whatever... especially anything unknown that wants to self-install itself. Images can contain ?!? in several ways: encoded in the 25..32 bit portion as most programs only use 24 of the bits, encoded as 'private clumps' or whatever the image calls the sundry 'tags', encoded within the image data as patterns... or an image can just store ?!? and have that displayed as the image- whatever it may look like... and so i am working on an image properties investigator.
- Question: Is the source code available?
- Answer... the original base.. rewritten source is ... GR32 Components are required to be able to compile using Delphi version 5 and up.
- There are several sources of code .. not included here ... yet... although they would probably require the code to be downloaded from their site to be used in Imagem.
- (Tiff save {bmp2tiff.zip} by Wolfgang Krug) E-mail: krug@sdm.de
- efg is the ultimate source for Delphi source code and programming information
- Rewritten Source: The project and files are in the zipped file. Source code authors are recognized and linked here, in the source, and the Help file.
- Question: What else is to be Image?
- Answer... any suggestions, comments, requests?
Tongs To Do:
- ...:
- figure out the user interface...
Tongs Copyright © 1991..2011 by Ivan Lee Herring