This page updated: February, 2011
National Mapping Program
Technical Instructions
Part 2
Standards for Digital Elevation Models
U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S. Geological Survey
National Mapping Division
Part 2: Specifications
Appendix 2-G
(00) Geographic [Parameter]
(01) Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM Zone)
(02) State Plane (Zone)
(03) Albers Conical Equal Area .. (04) Lambert Conformal
[1]Semimajor axis of ellipsoid. If this field is left blank (=0), the value for Clarke's 1866 spheroid in meters is assumed.
[2]Eccentricity squared of ellipsoid (e^2). If field is zero, this indicates a sphere. If the field is 1, this field is interpreted as
containing the semiminor axis of the ellipsoid.
[3]Latitude of 1st Standard Parallel
[4]Latitude of 2d Standard Parallel
[5]Longitude of Central Meridian
[6]Latitude of projection's origin
[7]False easting in the same units of measure as the semimajor axis of ellipsoid
[8]False northing in the same units of measure as the semimajor axis of ellipsoid
(05) Mercator
(06) Polar Stereographic
(07) Polyconic
(08)Equidistant Conic {Type A} {Type B}
[1] Semimajor axis of ellipsoid. If this field is left blank (=0), the value for Clarke's 1866 spheroid in meters is assumed.
[2] Eccentricity squared of ellipsoid (e). If this is left blank (=0), this will indicate a sphere. If the field is 1, this field will be interpreted as containing the semiminor axis of the ellipsoid.
[3](08){A}Latitude of Standard Parallel
(08){B}Latitude of 1st Standard Parallel
[4](08){B} Latitude of 2d Standard Parallel
[5] (05..07..08)Longitude of Central Meridian
(06)Longitude directed straight down below pole of map
[6](06)Latitude of true scale
(07..08)Latitude of projection's origin
[7](05..06..07..08) False easting in the same units of measure as the semimajor axis of ellipsoid
[8](05..06..07..08)False northing in the same units of measure as the semimajor axis of ellipsoid
[9](08){A}Zero {B}Any nonzero number
(09) Transverse Mercator
(10) Stereographic
(11) Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area
(12) Azimuthal Equidistant
(13) Gnomonic
(14) Orthographic
[1](09) Semimajor axis of ellipsoid. If this field is left blank (=0), the value for Clarke's 1866 spheroid in meters is assumed.
Radius of the sphere of reference. If this field is left blank, the value 6370997.0 meters is assumed.
[2](09)Eccentricity squared of ellipsoid (e^2). If field is zero, this indicates a sphere. If the field is 1, this field is interpreted as
containing the semiminor axis of the ellipsoid.
[3](09)Scale factor at Central Meridian
[5](09)Longitude of Central Meridian
(10..11..12..13..14)Longitude of center of projection
[6](09)Latitude of origin
(10..11..12..13..14)Latitude of center of projection
[7] False easting in the same units of measure as the semimajor axis or radius of the sphere
[8] False northing in the same units of measure as the semimajor axis or radius of the sphere
(15) General Vertical Near-Side Perspective
(16) Sinusoidal (Plate Caree)
(17) Equirectangular
(18) Miller Cylindrical
(19) Van Der Grinten I
[1](ALL)Radius of the sphere of reference. If this field is left blank, the value 6370997.0 meters is assumed.
[2] NA
[3](15)Height of perspective point above sphere
[4] NA
[5](15) Longitude of center of projection
(16..17..18..19)Longitude of Central Meridian
[6](15) Latitude of center of projection
[7](ALL)False easting in the same units of measure as radius of the sphere
[8](ALL)False northing in the same units of measure as radius of the sphere
(20)Oblique Mercator {Type A} {Type B}
[1] Same as for projections 03 thru 09
2 Same as for projections 03 thru 09
3 Scale factor at the center of projection
[4]{B}Angle of azimuth east of north for central line of projection
[5]{B}Longitude of point along central line of projection at which angle of azimuth is measured
[6]{A}Latitude of origin of projection
[7]{A}Same as for projections 03 thru 19
[8]{A}Same as for projections 03 thru 19
[9]{A}Longitude of first point defining central geodetic line of projection
[10]{A}Latitude of first point defining central geodetic line of projection
[11]{A}Longitude of second point defining central geodetic line of projection
[12]{A}Latitude of second point defining central geodetic line of projection
[13]{A}Zero{B}Any Non Zero Number: 1
Copyright © 1991..2011 by Ivan Lee Herring