This page updated: February, 2011
- Computer.
- Mozilla, GNU GPL license information. [Glscene: MPL], [Graphex9: MPL], [TPNGImage: Free-Acknowledgement], [GR32: Free-Acknowledgement], [DWS: MPL+], [INDY: BSD-Acknowledgement or MPL], [TDBF: GNU or LGPL], [Delphi™ Zip: LGPL], [Info-Zip: BSD-like], [Jan: Free-Acknowledgement], [Ben: Free-Acknowledgement], [RxLib: BSD Free-Acknowledgement], [...Generally speaking ... all require Acknowledgement of their use and No backlash from anyone: They do NOT support-represent-legally defend anything. Some require else anyway a 'decent' response is to send back any 'improvements' to the code that have been made. BSD..MPL..GNU LGPL-GPL : A Copy of the License and code or a link to the code is required.]
- Code
- efg's Computer Lab examines Pascal code ... (then Kylix C code)... then changed jobs and anything new is Not Open Source: Code not available.
- Code sites: Torry, SourceForge, et al...
Copyright© 1991..2006 by Ivan Lee Herring