Started the Index.html record of progress... this is history. lines code data file size 1 jan04 DTM 1.5 subprograms... see History from Index 12may03 VRGIS 19265 131048 9941 439296 mditxt 28K, db 34K,txtfiles 20K, DWS 332K packed 50,x50,smp50 11may03 VRGIS 20836 925608 22501 1344512 w/o GLS 11may03 VRGIS 100278 1446624 35729 1938432 Indy+DWS 25apr03 Fractl3d 117606 1361700 30857 1860608 redo GLS 20apr03 Life 114466 1197488 25137 1662464 boid+life 3d 20apr03 Life pack 114466 748992 18509 1175552 24aug02 Life pack 23266 267548 4049 488448 (50+x50) ??mar03 DTM 1.4 ... 11mar03 GRIP 90073 1151960 74121 1915392 packed 10mar03 GRIP 90073 1868568 82161 2691072 PCA and FFT 23feb03 GRIP 79492 1780136 71441 2562560 18feb03 GRIP 84662 1733768 75929 2558464 debug renovate 08feb03 GRIP 82580 1728316 77273 2549248 w/gctp 29jan03 Locatable 61164 481784 21153 942592 29jan03 Image 118457 1080100 141825 1884160 29jan03 Holo pack 68539 527116 13073 785920 editext.exe pack 447 7488 129 29696 richedit.exe pack 619 10676 16384 64000 29jan03 ILH pack 2310 35464 1457 168448 20jan03 Locatable 52236 1126004 19929 1627648 not packed w/old Vector-Voice 52236 338552 7757 748544 24aug02 locatepack 14509 33468 6985 193536 Borland packages only... VCL50;VCLX50;VCLSMP50;VCLDB50;VCLBDE50;TEE50;QRPT50 09jan03 Atomics 1.0 57542 599560 25989 721408 a Gl Demo 03jan03 VOICE 2.0ship 62228 1343668 120141 1875456 no packs 02jan03 Tracer 1.3ship 59435 1121680 48557 1520640 tdbf in 01jan03 Tracer 54107 1067644 38593 1444352 tdbf out + bde in 01jan03 Tracer 39201 1002800 35753 1371648 no tdbf use bde 25dec02 Tracer 43677 1003272 36893 1377280 shp+registration 25nov02 Tracer 34771 757196 24405 1075712 24aug02 Tracer pack 30647 146464 9245 378880 4July01 tracer 30062 592216 18057 860672 no packages: Shipped 21nov02 Image 1.6 116199 1073860 141777 1871872 24aug02 Image pack 116186 1073736 141777 1871360 26oct02 DTM 1.3 169384 2591908 323309 3544576 shipped 09oct02 DTM 1.3 168682 2579656 323201 3522048 Ecotypes+db+print 05oct02 DTM 1.3 166031 2370916 321197 3172353 {Split Globals} 01oct02 DTM 1.3 165187 2365652 320917 3329536 dtp+ecotype 16sep02 DTM 1.3 pack 159923 1350272 306621 2202624 16sep02 DTM 1.3 layer 159923 2296692 319429 3232256 gr32+shp layer 01sep02 DTM 1.2 ship 153301 2238776 319545 3159040 31aug02 Holo pack 66321 517468 12997 716288 24aug02 VR GIS pack 3923 47372 1525 233984 24aug02 EditText pack 447 7488 129 29696 24aug02 RichEdit pack 619 10676 125 64000 24aug02 Tracer pack 30647 146464 9245 378880 24aug02 DTM 1.2 pack 151244 1269184 306705 2084352 24aug02 Voice pack 42486 539344 105101 982016 24aug02 GRIP pack 65221 915928 38141 1616384 24aug02 SOS MAP pack 67594 347656 18105 690176 24aug02 Life pack 23266 267548 4049 488448 24aug02 Fract pack 114576 874376 23637 1334784 24aug02 ILH pack 18884 251724 1705 455168 24aug02 locatepack 14509 33468 6985 193536 24aug02 Image pack 116186 1073736 141777 1871360 24aug02 Holo pack 71169 516484 13025 737280 Borland packages only... VCL50;VCLX50;VCLSMP50;VCLDB50;VCLBDE50;TEE50;QRPT50 22aug02 DTM 1.2 pack 57564 796376 281785 1561600 22aug02 DTM 1.2 151242 2199172 319481 3097088 pan+bit+shp viewer 11aug02 DTM 1.1 150565 2189872 319481 3086336 cleaned and shipped 04aug02 DTM w/Glviewer150426 2185456 319501 3080704 30jul02 DTM w/tdbf 127253 1871580 310049 2705408 tdbf 30jul02 DTM w/bde 122236 1862284 308969 2696192 bde db 21jul02 DTM ditto 113523 1785428 298793 2415616... working 16jul02 DTM lotta 112107 1772072 298697 2393088 many copied demos... 14jul02 DTM wo/Pack 103335 1733712 298405 2333184 Resources.res; About, Sysinfo forms 11jul02 DTM 1.0shipped102376 1727968 298345 2253824 11jul02 DTM packed 22836 526124 271321 924160 Glscene+GR32+ 26jun02 Image wo/ 115545 2226948 156349 3156992 DB Session w/printing and big image reduction 09jan02 Image wo/ 112085 2206428 156009 3118592 26jun02 DTM ~semipack 101565 832268 283929 1100288 26jun02 DTM FIPs codes102016 1721752 298345 2080256 02jun02 DTM 94436 1394740 298329 1737728 02jun02 DTM ~semipack 93985 505420 283913 757248 VCL50,MruListComp,VclDb50,VCLX50,VCLJPG50,VclBde50,VCLSMP50,Png14,Tee50 02jun02 DTM packed 15056 194328 271305 408576 GlScene + Gr32 78929 311092 12608 348672 27feb02 Imagem 1.4 103427 1744764 149277 2443264 fixed Preprints? 21feb02 GRIP wo/ 63371 1598708 45773 2358272 21feb02 GRIP w/ 60219 872488 28193 1562112 21feb02 Life wo/ 23262 690768 10549 961024 21feb02 Life w/ 23262 267408 4049 488448 21feb02 Fractl3D w/GL 38261 578240 11257 1012736 21feb02 Fractl3D w/ 35604 556668 11089 977408 21feb02 Tracer wo/ 30629 560128 15969 837120 21feb02 Tracer w/ 29418 141380 9181 373248 21feb02 Holo wo/ 55341 827032 18625 1020416 21feb02 Holo w/bpl 27468 214720 9249 339456 21feb02 Locatable wo/ 64575 1595268 118421 2257408 21feb02 Locatable w/ 50103 608520 20685 1147392 21feb02 Image w/bpl 61224 583672 44901 1184768 21feb02 Imagem w/bpl 58956 554656 44773 1110016 20feb02 DTM w/bpl 5840 81308 270845 257024 20feb02 DTM no color 5840 80944 8697 256000 uses GL Scene 08feb02 ILH shipped... Grafree renamed Imagem 02feb02 GCTP... 64106 1591384 118409 2326016 27jan02 Holo2.0+Zip 55080 1013204 19253 1217536 27jan02 GCTP 2.0 redo 63582 1582272 121305 2316800 20jan02 All Pro used 61827 1515644 114933 2241024 19jan02 Projections 61774 1482336 114713 2204160 19jan02 Records+Print 50701 1456956 111237 2174464 17jan02 Locatable 49762 1437244 111229 2152448 Set records 14jan02 Locatable 47789 1394916 104801 2101248 TPreview++ 09jan02 Holo 2.0 42930 748016 18201 880128 09jan02 Locatable 33532 1251140 19309 1919488 and VOICE 09jan02 Grafree 103460 1744656 149205 2442240 09jan02 Image 112085 2206428 156009 3118592 05jan02 Image +Edge 112080 2206272 156009 3118592 04jan02 packages 63923 621100 54513 1227776 MruListComp,GR32_D5.bpl,PreviewD5,jans,Jans5,avi5 VCL50,VCLJPG50,VCLX50,VCLSMP50,TEE50,VclDb50,VclBde50,Qrpt50 04jan02 Album db 3+4 105299 2156580 155837 3036160 from Holographic 03jan02 shipped ILH... prior to revision 02jan02 Album db 104355 1962652 154065 2706432 01jan02 Thumb db 103886 1933876 153877 2666496 01jan02 before db 103456 1746432 149185 2442752 29Dec01 TPreview++ 103519 1747240 149185 2443776 25Dec01 BenPreprint 102978 1736716 129165 2420736 24Dec01 MultiTwain 100468 1705972 149137 2364416 22Dec01 < PrePrint 99922 1697004 141549 2350592 21Dec01 packages 60155 547220 38285 1080832 MruListComp,GR32_D5.bpl,PreviewD5,jans,Jans5,avi5 VCL50,VCLJPG50,VCLX50,VCLSMP50,TEE50 20Dec01 PrePrint 99299 1693408 141497 2369024 20Dec01 Disk Hog 89516 1612400 58361 2217984 19Dec01 LoadAVI 87628 1578936 58217 2158080 15Dec01 Grafree1.2 86421 1544200 57929 2059264 12Dec01 Jan Shape 86062 1538928 57917 2048512 12Dec01 Jan Db3 75497 1456248 57665 1946112 11Dec01 G32 +Trans 74377 1445552 57565 1909760 06Dec01 Backgrounds 60110 1286436 56521 1666048 06Dec01 t/a ok 59565 1281060 56265 1658880 05Dec01 text/airbrush 59564 1280260 52441 1655296 03Dec01 packaged 48552 426340 40397 728064 VCL50,VCLJPG50,MruListComp,VCLX50,VCLSMP50,TEE50,avi5 03Dec01 jFX connected 53834 1209912 50741 1575936 01Dec01 jansFX na? 53201 1178312 50741 1541120 01Dec01 Grafree1.1 49384 1177060 50653 1539584 27NOV01 MorphAvi ok! 48557 1162796 50305 1515520 24NOV01 MorphAvi 48051 1158232 50281 1510400 w/vfwview-calls avifil32.dll 21NOV01 next? 42681 1147396 50213 1492480 21NOV01 w/gfx 42645 1147020 50213 1491456 21NOV01 wo/gfx 36374 1103616 37941 1414656 21NOV01 w/gfx packaged 42645 453848 42209 740352 VCL50,X50,SMP50,TEE50 19NOV01 Grafree 1.1 53307 1175896 691927 1523200 w/gfx 52998 1181592 692729 1533952 wo.gfx 34761 1083468 37553 1388544 14NOV01 Grafree 1.0 34754 1083436 37553 1388544 11NOV01 Grafree 1.0 32426 1023832 37293 1290240 29272 328204 19853 523776 using vcl50,vclx50, TEE50, Png5, VCLSMP50.bpl 29Oct01 Voice shipped? 32184 1150124 18213 1741824 32184 421776 6213 929280 using vcl50,db50,smp50,bde50,x50.bpl 09Oct01 Voice almost 29058 1088612 17961 1623040 01Oct01 Voice almost 26589 1014696 16505 1528832 28Sep01 Voice-NRI-Ocx 26143 953884 16065 1458176 11Sep01 still working .. 2D Editor slowly getting together... 22Aug01 Voice db redone but Shapes .shx broken... ... going on to write a 2/3D Vector Editor and drop the ESRI OCX... and NRI 05Aug01 Voice+NRI 32297 1063712 13821 1499648 05Aug01 Voice-NRI 30150 1030420 13773 1357312 28Jul01 Fractal3D ship vcl50, vclx50,vclsmp50,glscene5 packaged 38102 565944 11129 983040 28Jul01 Mtns + Egg 87239 1296580 29365 1809408 25Jul01 Frac + Mtns 84858 1280856 29329 1783296 + Splash screen 22Jul01 Math GL view 84227 1274188 29197 1764352 22Jul01 Frac Mtns view 83977 1267904 29113 1751552 (not packages 49505=GL Scene) 19Jul01 GlScene Viewer 83605 1260812 29113 1737728 19Jul01 done reading 34100 1022684 18157 1449472 7 strings[25]<> strings 1019592 18325 ... Delphi does dynamic 18Jul01 redid readers 33888 1019472 18157 1446400 15Jul01 debug messages 34244 1025844 17981 1449472 14Jul01 added Preview: 34359 1033252 17981 1449984 GL Frac Julia 13July01 Fractl3D 33101 1022084 17973 1437184 and IFS 3D 9July01 Fractl3D Dem import.. NOAA, Tiling, Preferences: .pof file 7Jul01: life 64210 756064 18529 1020928 no packages: Shipped 4July01 tracer 30062 592216 18057 860672 no packages: Shipped 3July01 grip no packages: Shipped 1Jul01 Redid About on all programs: new ISP JUNE: Physical WORK.. no programming done 29may01 tracer working it out to register and ship 28710 178060 11313 401408 Vcl50 and ComDrv32 29921 537996 17649 802816 NO Packages 21May01 tracer DLG Area 21877 172408 11161 394752 CAD Poly reorder 28497 176152 11313 398848 14May tracer DLG forms 21079 151712 10653 370688 including all the calls to the Projection systems 21108 163860 10733 384000 11May tracer before GCTP 10036 123796 7293 336384 after GCTP 21034 148848 10761 365568 1May01 tracer 688.. 296k 10073 465212 13289 704512 8976 106576 6953 302592 1Apr01 tracer 538k..159k : 6757, 82492, 6713, 162304 : VCL50, ComDrv32 13Mar01 tracer 640k.. 9450 457856 13237 654848 ----------------------------------------------- 26Mar01 Holographics... holograf using packages 11783 64932 1697 344064} 23008 lines 1076992 bytes Code 14205 bytes data 1527296 file size {image .. and DIM?.. not yet 870k 139k 17895 8779 712832 63508 12797 1377 890368 141824} ----------------------------------------------- 26mar01 {Life renamed nalife 59417 733772 17557 933376 16618 60857 241028 748528 3061 17633 546816 1110016 ----------------------------------------------- 26Mar01 {Fractl3D 31244 1009068 17353 1407488 ----------------------------------------------- 23Mar01 grip 55430 874692 28189 1550848 fixed Magnifico crosshair, always on top, spinedit magnification size->> memory scanline ////////////////////////////// 13..23 Mar 01 translated GTCP Coordinate package into Pascal Delphi 5 ////////////////////////////// 13Mar01 grip Log to DIP 62613 =438 1632372 =11108 45897 2385920 =11776 If LoggingToDIP then begin PBands.DIPMemo.Lines.Add('=0102 H SOHO'); PBands.DIPMemo.Lines.Add(IntToStr(Sohois)); PBands.DIPMemo.Lines.Add(DateTimetoStr(Now)); PBands.DIPSaveIt; End; ////////////////////////////// 10 Mar01 grip a little bit everywhere 62175 1621264 45897 2374144 ////////////////////////////// 3Mar01 grip Messages Position, Classification redone 61400 =1722 1607284 =9256 46105 -304 duplicate strings? 2448384 =36864 ////////////////////////////// 24Feb01 grip Cut out Pixel, Voxel, Moxel, VR LAB 59678 1598028 46409 2411520 ////////////////////////////// 22Feb01 grip Histo color, Pixel color, Import h corrections 59710 =7397 1604056 =75822 46441 =6604 efg globals? bitmaps? stats arrays? 2418176 =96768 ////////////////////////////// 9Feb01 grip HisCorrect HC done? Bitmap View 51698 =76 52209 52313 1521100 =1200 1526872 1528284 38665 =12 39801 39837 2305024 =6144 2318336 2321408 w/o Import with 33748 51622 =17874 1248056 1519900 =271844 38285 38653 =368 1812992 2298880 =485888 ////////////////////////////// Jan 28 01 grip Image Import DIH,DIS,DIP headers + some Image Import stuff Feb2 most of the rest Feb5 mostly Divide+C+PixelSize 45337 =2192 47822 =2485 51807 =3985 1416308 =46644 1457452 =41144 1519952 =62500 38577 38657 =80 38657 2165248 =90624 2223616 =58368 2296832 =73216 Jan 12 01 grip Object marker,Anno,Print coded 14th.. debugged? 42874 43145 1373072 1369664 38581 38577 2073600 2074624 ////////////////////////////// Jan 7 2001 grip before Macros added everywhere, after Line profile, Zoom box, Rotate box ,Object marker, more Print box 40506 lines 42225 =1719 Jan10 Macros code 1327092 code size 1,359,416 =32324 38465 byte data 38477 2010624 file size 2051072 =40448 ////////////////////////////// 3Jan2001, grip using packages... and TPngImage 31197 lines 38684 547,332 code size 1,160,520 20645 byte data 37557 1,043,456 file size 1,719,808 ////////////////////////////// Fractal 3D Turtles+ Mtn+ 3D DEM 14Mar2000 19Mar: 22Mar, 3Apr 1 May 19549 lines 20014 21641 23886 30266 849572 code 858176 887836 934780 981672 16017 data 16157 16509 16601 17261 1163776 file size 1173504 1237504 1337344 1385472} ////////////////////////////// {Mar2000, Delphi 5 grip 43012 lines 1202068 code size 26365 byte data 1,728,512 file size {24 Mar99 grip after splitting program and making big dialogs from menu ... digitizer into Vector 45855 lines 45905 28 mar...Radar 866124 code 868404 26524 data 20856 41958 after splitting out Autocreate and not doing STLArray 42038...Histogram stuff...42314 40556-Extra to own folders 869820 20028 41333 Classifier 872004 20024} {$D 'Ivan Lee Herring, 2000: Raster version 1.1'} ////////////////////////////// April 17,00 4078..4083 April 28 April 29 May 25 4767 210 4* 131 3* 62 4* Jun 1 4832 252 147 Jun2 4843 Jun10 Jun14 4913 307 173 5 July3 5036 Sep Sep15 5353 Sep23 Dec 1 5777 Raster VR GIS MAP Fractal3D Life DTM ILH Digitizer Vector VRGIS Prior to 2000 is too long ago to remember... or collate