While the Stone Soup Group name has whatever meaning they convey, my understanding of what stone soup is is as follows. The one true miracle in the bible Jesus performed was feeding the people gathered to hear his sermon with bread and fish provided by a young man. The miracle was 'cooking' stone soup. The story I heard is something like this: people were gathered together, got hungry, but no one would eat the food they brought because they did not want to have to share their meager portions with others. Finally, a person explained that he was going to cook some stone soup and everyone was welcome to eat their fill. He then explained that Stone soup is made by placing a stone in a pan, filling the pan with water, and heating to a boil. As the water began to boil everyone wanted to 'taste' this soup, and lo, by the time it began to boil it was indeed the finest soup anyone had ever eaten. For everyone that tasted the soup decided that it needed an 'ingredient' that they then provided.