This directory contains several tpcfg files corresponding to "standard" DEM distributions, to use/pack/test them, you will have to download the reference DEM data (be aware some span tens of megabytes..gigabytes). You'll find links below to the providers of those datasets. Use of HTF for redistribution of DEM data is free and encouraged as long as original source(s) and copyrights of dataset(s) are appropriately listed and honoured, and a utility to unpack the dataset(s) is joined with the dataset or a link/website made available. Eric Grange DEM data sources ---------------- TerrainBase/ETOPO5, from the NOAA National Data Center/NGDC (18 MB uncompressed) HTFName=F:\HTF\tbase.htf WorldSizeX=4320 WorldSizeY=2160 TileSize=128 DefaultZ=0 DEMPath=F:\dems DEMs="tbase.bin,""0,0"",4320x2160,""16 bits (Intel)""" ETOPO2, Smith, W. H. F. and D. T. Sandwell, NOAA/NGDC (133 MB uncompressed) HTFName=F:\HTF\etopo2.htf WorldSizeX=10800 WorldSizeY=6336 TileSize=128 DefaultZ=0 DEMPath=F:\DEM DEMs="topo_8.2.img,""0,0"",10800x6336,""16 bits (non-Intel)""" GLOBE, "Global Land One-km Base Elevation" project (287 MB, expands to 1.7GB) Maui_1k, BT file from the "Virtual Terrain Project" (4MB uncompressed) HTFName=F:\HTF\maui_1k.htf WorldSizeX=1024 WorldSizeY=1024 TileSize=128 DefaultZ=0 DEMPath=F:\DEM DEMs=",""0,0"",1025x1025,""VTP's BT (single)"""