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This page updated: February, 2011


mlra 1 1-Northern Pacific Coast Range, Foothills, and Valleys
mlra 2 2-Willamette and Puget Sound Valleys
mlra 3 3-Olympic and Cascade Mountains
mlra 4 4-California Coastal Redwood Belt
mlra 5 5-Siskiyou-Trinity Area
mlra 6 6-Cascade Mountains, Eastern Slope
mlra 7 7-Columbia Basin
mlra 8 8-Columbia Plateau
mlra 9 9-Palouse and Nez Perce Prairies
mlra 10 10-Upper Snake River Lava Plains and Hills
mlra 10A 10A-Big and Little Wood River Footslopes and Plains
mlra 11 11-Snake River Plains
mlra 11A 11A-Central Snake River Plains
mlra 11B 11B-Upper Snake River Plains
mlra 12 12-Lost River Valleys and Mountains
mlra 13 13-Eastern Idaho Plateaus
mlra 14 14-Central California Coastal Valleys
mlra 15 15-Central California Coast Range
mlra 16 16-California Delta
mlra 17 17-Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys
mlra 18 18-Sierra Nevada Foothills
mlra 19 19-Southern CAlifornia Coastal Plain
mlra 20 20-Southern California Mountains
mlra 21 21-Klamath and Shast Valleys and Basins
mlra 22 22-Sierra Nevada Range
mlra 23 23-Malheur High Plateau
mlra 24 24-Humbolt Area
mlra 25 25-Owyhee High Plateau
mlra 26 26-Carson Basin and Mountains
mlra 27 27-Fallon-Lovelock Area
mlra 28A 28A-Great Salt Lake Area
mlra 28B 28B-Central Nevada Basin and Range
mlra 29 29-Southern Nevada Basin and Range
mlra 30 30-Sonoran Basin and Range
mlra 31 31-Imperial Valley
mlra 32 32-Northern Intermountain Desertic Basins
mlra 33 33-Semiarid Rocky Mountains
mlra 34 34-Central Desertic Basins, Mountains,and Plateaus
mlra 35 35-Colorado and Green River Plateaus
mlra 36 36-New Mexico and Arizona Plateaus and Mesas
mlra 37 37-San Juan River Valley Measas and Plateaus
mlra 39 39-Arizona and New Mexico Mountains
mlra 40 40-Central Arizona Basin and Range
mlra 41 41-Southeastern Arizona Basin and Range
mlra 42 42-Southern Desertic Basins, Plains, and Mountains
mlra 43 43-Northern Rocky Mountains
mlra 44 44-Northern Rocky Mountain Valleys
mlra 46 46-Northern Rocky Mountain Foothills
mlra 47 47-Wastatch and Uinta Mountains
mlra 48A 48A-Southern Rocky Mountains
mlra 48B 48B-Southern Rocky Mountain Parks
mlra 49 49-Southern Rocky Mountain Foothills
mlra 51 51-High Intermountain Valleys
mlra 52 52-Brown Glaciated Plain
mlra 53A 53A-Northern Dark Brown Glaciated Plains
mlra 53B 53B-Central Dark Brown Glaciated Plains
mlra 53C 53C-Southern Dark Brown Glaciated Plains
mlra 54 54-Rolling Soft Shale Plain
mlra 55A 55A-Northern Black Glaciated Plains
mlra 55B 55B-Central Black Glaciated Plains
mlra 55C 55C-Southern Black Glaciated Plains
mlra 56 56-Red River Valley of the North
mlra 57 57-Northern Minnesota Gray Drift
mlra 58A 58A-Northern Rolling High Plains, Northern Part
mlra 58B 58B-Northern Rolling High Plains, Southern Part
mlra 58C 58C-Northern Rolling High Plains, Northeastern Part
mlra 58D 58D-Northern Rolling High Plains, Eastern Part
mlra 60A 60A-Pierre Shale Plains and Badlands
mlra 60B 60B-Pierre Shale Plains, Northern Part
mlra 61 61-Black Hills Foot Slopes
mlra 62 62-Black Hills
mlra 63A 63A-Northern Rolling Pierre Shale Plains
mlra 63B 63B-Southern Rolling Pierre Shale Plains
mlra 64 64-Mixed Sandy and Silty Tableland
mlra 65 65-Nebraska Sand Hills
mlra 66 66-Dakota-Nebraska Eroded Tableland
mlra 67 67-Central High Plains
mlra 69 69-Upper Arkansas Valley Rolling Plains
mlra 70 70-Pecos-Canadian Plains and Valleys
mlra 71 71-Central Nebraska Loess Hills
mlra 72 72-Central High Tableland
mlra 73 73-Rolling Plains and Breaks
mlra 74 74-Central Kansas Sandstone Hills
mlra 75 75-Central Loess Plains
mlra 76 76-Bluestem Hills
mlra 77 77-Southern High Plains
mlra 78 78-Central Rolling Red Plains
mlra 79 79-Great Bend Sand Plains
mlra 80A 80A-Central Rolling Red Prairies
mlra 80B 80B-Texas North-Central Prairies
mlra 81 81-Edwards Plateau
mlra 82 82-Texas Central Basin
mlra 83A 83A-Northern Rio Grande Plain
mlra 83B 83B-Western Rio Grande Plain
mlra 83C 83C-Central Rio Grande Plain
mlra 83D 83D-Lower Rio Grande Plain
mlra 84A 84A-Cross Timbers
mlra 84B 84B-West Cross Timbers
mlra 84C 84C-East Cross Timbers
mlra 85 85-Grand Prairie
mlra 86 86-Texas Blackland Prairie
mlra 87 87-Texas Claypan Area
mlra 88 88-Northern Minnesota Glacial Lake Basins
mlra 90 90-Central Wisconsin and Minnesota Thin Loess and Till
mlra 91 91-Wisconsin and Minnesota Sandy Outwash
mlra 92 92-Superior Lake Plain
mlra 93 93-Superior Stony and Rocky Loamy Plains and Hills
mlra 94A 94A-Northern Michigan and Wisconsin Sandy Drift
mlra 94B 94B-Michigan Eastern Upper Peninsula Sandy Drift
mlra 95A 95A-Northeastern Wisconsin Drift Plain
mlra 95B 95B-Southern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois Drift Plain
mlra 96 96-Western Michigan Fruit and Truck Belt
mlra 97 97-Southwestern Michigan Fruit and Truck Belt
mlra 98 98-Southern Michigan and Northern Indiana Drift Plain
mlra 99 99-Erie-Huron Lake Plain
mlra 100 100-Erie Fruit and Truck Area
mlra 101 101-Ontario Plain and Finger Lakes Region
mlra 102A 102A-Rolling Till Prairie
mlra 102B 102B-Loess Uplands and Till Plains
mlra 103 103-Central Iowa and Minnesota Till Prairies
mlra 104 104-Eastern Iowa and Minnesota Till Prairies
mlra 105 105-Northern Mississippi Valley Loess Hills
mlra 106 106-Nebraska and Kansas Loess-Drift Hills
mlra 107 107-Iowa and Missouri Deep Loess Hills
mlra 108 108-Illinois and Iowa Deep Loess Hills
mlra 109 109-Iowa and Missouri Heavy Till Plain
mlra 110 110-Northern Illinois and Indiana Heavy Till Palin
mlra 111 111-Indiana and Ohio Till Plain
mlra 112 112-Cherokee Prairies
mlra 113 113-Central Claypan Areas
mlra 114 114-Southern Illinois and Indiana Thin Loess and Till Plain
mlra 115 115-Central Mississippi Valley Wooded Slopes
mlra 116A 116A-Ozark Highland
mlra 116B 116B-Ozark Border
mlra 117 117-Boston Mountains
mlra 118 118-Arkansas Valley and Ridges
mlra 119 119-Ouachita Mountains
mlra 120 120-Kentucky and Indiana Sandstone and Shale Hills and Valleys
mlra 121 121-Kentucky Bluegrass
mlra 122 122-Highland Rim and Pennyroyal
mlra 123 123-Nashville Basin
mlra 124 124-Western Allegany Plateau
mlra 125 125-Cumberland Plateau and Mountains
mlra 126 126-Central Allegany Plateau
mlra 127 127-Eastern Allegany Plateau and Mountains
mlra 128 128-Southern Appalachian Ridges and Valleys
mlra 129 129-Sand Mountain
mlra 130 130-Blue Ridge
mlra 131 131-Southern Mississippi Valley Alluvium
mlra 133A 133A-Southern Coastal Plain
mlra 133B 133B-Western Coastal Plain
mlra 134 134-Southern Mississippi Valley Silty Uplands
mlra 135 135-Alabama,Mississippi,and Arkansas Blackland Prairie
mlra 136 136-Southern Piedmont
mlra 137 137-Carolina and Georgia Sand Hills
mlra 138 138-North-Central Florida Ridge
mlra 139 139-Eastern Ohio Till Plain
mlra 140 140-Glaciated Allegany Plateau and Catskill Mountains
mlra 141 141-Tughill Plateau
mlra 142 142-St.Lawerance-Champlain Plain
mlra 143 143-Northeastern Mountains
mlra 144A 144A-New England and Eastern New York Upland, Southern Part
mlra 144B 144B-New England and Eastern New York Upland, Northern Part
mlra 145 145-Connecticut Valley
mlra 146 146-Aroostook Area
mlra 147 147-Northern Appalachian Rigdes and Valleys
mlra 148 148-Northern Piedmont
mlra 149A 149A-Northern Coastal Plain
mlra 149B 149B-Long Island-Cape Cod Coastal Lowland
mlra 150A 150A-Gulf Coast Prairies
mlra 150B 150B-Gulf Coast Saline Prairies
mlra 151 151-Gulf Coast Marsh
mlra 152A 152A-Eastern Gulf Coast Flatwoods
mlra 152B 152B-Western Gulf Coast Flatwoods
mlra 153A 153A-Atantic Coast Flatwoods
mlra 153B 153B-Tidewater Area
mlra 153C 153C-Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain
mlra 154 154-South-Central Florida Ridge
mlra 155 155-Southern Florida Flatwoods
mlra 156A 156A-Florida Everglades and Associated Areas
mlra 156B 156B-Southern Florida Lowlands
mlra 157 157-Arid and Semiarid Low Mountain Slopes
mlra 158 158-Semiarid and Subhumid Low Mountain Slopes
mlra 159 159-Humid and Very Humid Low and Intermediate Mountain Slopes
mlra 160 160-Subhumid and Humid Intermediate and High Mountain Slopes
mlra 161 161-Lava Flows and Rock Outcrops
mlra 162 162-Very Humid Areas on Maui, Kohala, Waialeale Mountains
mlra 163 163-Alluvial Fans and Coastal Plains
mlra 164 164-Rough Mountain Lands
mlra 165 165-Subhumid Intermediate Mountain Slopes
mlra 166 166-Very Stony Land and Rock Land
mlra 167 167-Humid Low and Intermediate Mountain Slopes
mlra 168 168-Southeastern Alaska
mlra 169 169-South-Central Alaska Mountains
mlra 170 170-Cook Inlet-Susitna Lowland
mlra 171 171-Alaska Peninsula and Southwestern Mountains
mlra 172 172-Cooper River Plateau
mlra 173 173-Alaska Range
mlra 174 174-Interior Alaska Lowlands
mlra 175 175-Kuskokwim Highlands
mlra 176 176-Interioe Alaska Highlands
mlra 177 177-Norton Sound Highlands
mlra 178 178-Western Alaska Coastal Plains and Delta
mlra 179 179-Bering Sea Islands
mlra 180 180-Brooks Range
mlra 181 181-Arctic Foothills
mlra 182 182-Arctic Coastal Plain
mlra 270 270-Humid Mountains and Valley, Caribbean Area
mlra 271 271-Semiarid Mountains and Valleys, Caribbean Area
mlra 272 272-Humid Coastal Plains, Caribbean Area
mlra 273 273-Semiarid Coastal Plains, Caribbean Area
mlra H2O H2O-Atlantic, Pacific, Great Lakes, etc
mlra 207 207-Federal

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Copyright © 1991..2011 by Ivan Lee Herring