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This page updated: February, 2011

Appendix A DLG Codes [DLG_CODE.WPD] Attribute Codes :

Major Code Category

020 Hypsography

050 Hydrography

070 Surface Cover

Minor Codes Description

001 - 099 nodes

100 - 199 areas

200 - 299 lines

300 - 399 degenerate lines

400 - 499 general - purpose codes

600 - 699 descriptive codes

Code 000 0000 is reserved for the area outside a given map sheet


050 0001 Upper end of stream

050 0004 Stream entering water body

050 0005 Stream leaving water body


050 0101 Reservoir

050 0103 Glacier

050 0106 Fish hatchery


050 0200 Shoreline

050 0201 Man-made shoreline

Degenerate lines

050 0300 Spring

050 0302 Flowing Well

General Purpose Attributes

050 0400 Rapids

050 0401 Falls

050 0406 Dam or Weir

General Descriptive Attributes

050 0601 Underground

050 0603 Elevated

050 0604 Tunnel

. Header record : date of creation, map projection and coordinate system; number of points, lines, areas stored in the file

. Data Record : Nodes : Description and Location, Attribute codes, associated text string,

Final record of estimated accuracy